Computer Science 1

Hello! My name is Jeremy Lee and this is my webpage
for GITA 1. I am learning to code through Visual C#.
Some of my goals are to create a program on its own
server and to create a game where every one could ply.
Visual C# is a coding language to develop Window's apps.
to develop Window's apps. If you want to get started,
you can download it here

To know more about GITA

Goodbye Project


In this program, we learned how to start a project. We learned to change label that had the text

Help Page

Date: 9/18/17

In this program, we learned how to change labels and change the text

Mailing Label

Date: 9/25/17

In this program, we learned how to convert the text boxes into a label

Car Rental

Date: 9/28/17

In this program, we learned how to calculate stuff

BMI Calculator

Date: 10/4/17

In this program, we learned how to calculate BMI

Car Rental 2

Date: 10/10/17

In this program, we learned how to work with radio buttons and checkboxes

Test Score

Date: 10/16/17

In this program, we learned how to generate random numbers

Dice Roll

Date: 10/19/17

In this program, we learned how to generate random numbers and calculate probability


Date: 10/25/17

In this program, we learned how to generate random numbers

Slot Machine

Date: 11/3/17

In this program, we made a virtual slot machine


Date: 12/4/17

In this program, we made a store which sells T-shirts


Date: 12/6/17

In this program, we made a fish go across the screen

Fish 2

Date: 1/24/18

In this program, we made a fish go around the tank along with a shark whose trying to eat him

Tic Tac Toe

Date: 2/6/18

In this program, we made a tic tac toe program

Basic AI

Date: 3/1/18

In this program, we made a character move and shoot


Date: 2/28/18

In this program, we learned how to work with arrays

Advanced AI

Date: 3/20/18

In this program, we learned how to create enemies with arrays

Final Project

Date: 3/20/18

I created a game. Go play it.